… Yes! Chronologically and geographically GATE has to be classified there. The music was experimental, but not focus on improvisations. Complex, often tricky, hardly danceable, but always strictly arranged, even in solos few/no free spaces. And the band had nothing in mind with electronics. In July 1976 GATE recorded one of their concerts in the Wuppertal “Börse” and offered the tapes – for a long time in vain – to record companies. Only eight months later the Brain label signed the band and released the album “Gate Live”. In February 1977 Gate was the opening-act at the Essen Brain Festival, with “excellent hard rock” (BRAVO magazine). At the ’78 Brain Festival they presented the repertoire of their first studio LP “Red Light Sister”. Followed a few months later by their “Rockpalast” – performance at the WDR Studio – L in Cologne. In December 1981 GATE performed their last concert, in their hometown Haan. This year in summer both GATE albums will be re-released in a DoCD package, remastered and with comprehensive liner notes about the history of the band and many rare photos from the period 1974 – 1981.